Feedback so far………
“I found the experience totally relaxing – I entered the session feeling very tense , with strained muscles. On leaving the session I was feeling so relaxed and chilled –This feeling has lasted all day. I would highly recommend this and feel that if Tesco bank can accommodate any future sessions it could benefit the staff and the business, with grateful chilled agents. I would definitely attend future sessions if this was possible in order to maintain my feelings of well –being”. Customer Service Advisor
“I found the session really effective. I have only ever meditated either by myself at home or when I attended counselling which was on a one on one basis, therefore a group meditation really was a new experience for me. That said I did not feel like I was in a room full of people, I found the content of the session very calming and soothing. It was lovely to have this opportunity at work, thank you for organising it. Sonia & Ella did a great job of explaining what it was all about and putting any nerves to rest. I felt a bit “lighter” in my mind upon leaving the session and would definitely attend further sessions if we have this opportunity in the future. I feel that it helps me let go of the unimportant worries that weigh me down in life”. Customer Service Advisor
“I found the experience fantastic and still feeling really good today! I don’t usually sleep very well and slept for a straight 10 hours last night!! I enjoyed having the time out also and feel it has made me approach my job a lot better afterwards and would definitely do this again”. Customer Service Advisor
“I found the Mind Your Life Training experience relaxing and calming and it was the first time I have ever tried something like this before. During the experience I felt like it was decluttering my mind and making me focus on myself instead of everything or everyone else around me. The session was very visual as well as you could mentally picture what was being described to you which was very chilled and relaxed. To do in the middle of a busy day at work was also beneficial to myself as it made me again take a step back and put myself at the centre of the day and not my team or family etc. It made me feel re-energised and invigorated for the rest of the day to come instead of tense and wound up as I had had time to release the tension and pressure in this session. I would definitely attend further sessions if arranged as I felt the benefits simultaneously at work afterwards and also at home that evening with a very busy family life to arrange and prepare mentally and physically for! I was asking for help to do things in the home rather than shout that it better get done or else? It was a great session and definitely a value for money”. Team Leader
“It was good. I have done meditation before so had a good expectation of what to expect and it met that expectation. It was a welcome break from a busy schedule just to take time for me and relax. I would absolutely attend any and all future sessions that were available. It benefits me as it gives me an opportunity to stop and recharge my batteries”. Trainer

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